Monday, October 15, 2007


Faithful lyric
There's distance in the air
And I cannot make it leave
I wave my arms `round about me
And blow with all my might

I cannot sense you close
Though I know you're always here
But the comfort of you near
Is what I long for

When I can't feel you
I have learned to reach out just the same
When I can't hear you
I know you still hear every word I pray
And I want you
More than I want to live another day
And as I wait for you
Maybe I'm made more faithful

All the folly of the past
Though I know it is undone
I still feel the guilty one
Still trying to make it right

So I whisper soft your name
And let it roll around my tongue
Knowing you're the only one who knows me
You know me


Show me how I should live this
Show me where I should walk
I count this world as loss to me
You are all I want
You are all I want

This song sang by Brooke Fraser, my best friend send all the songs in her latest album Albertine to me and i find this song very meaningful...

this is a love song, to whoever it is; but for me, it would be more like a love song singing just for God and Him alone...

When I can't feel you, I have learned to reach out just the same, When I can't hear you, I know you still hear every word I pray...The comfort of you near is what i long for..."

Sometimes, God may be silence...cant sense, cant feel, cant hear Him at all... but i know, You are here with me always and never leaves me alone, you still listening to all my cries and also praises...and when You're quiet, i know You want me to learn something, You want me to be more sensitive, to be more patience...and as i wait for You, maybe i'm made more faithful to You...

i really dunno what to write anymore, since the lyrics described my heart well enough... there are times when i really sense God, those days i feel very joyful and i can have a sense of peace even though i'm facing a problem... but there are also times when i cant feel Him at all, i feel like why everything just going out of my way?? even a small problem can cause so much trouble, to me and also the people around me...but these are days where we need to learn to be still and knowing God is with us, He kept silent becuz He wants to know how strong it is our relationship with we know Him well enough? He kept silent cuz He already taught us during the days when we can feel and sense and hear Him, and now is the time where we need to apply what we have learn...and at the same time, He wants to know, how faithful are we.. when He is silent,
do we loose our hearts and go for idols? or do we be still and read His Words for guidance?

God knows us well, when He is silent, He aspect us to apply what we've learn... He won't leave you alone till you drown, He is always there to watch us and ready to pull us through anytime...

My Dearest, Thank You! (^.^)

Sunday, October 07, 2007

色 | 戒

《色 | 戒》 好看,如果没有被cut的话,更好看!

一开始知道关于《色 | 戒》的是,有人说像A片, 主角全裸上阵。 心想,李安竟然拍A片?! 可是看了《色 | 戒》的报道, 觉得李安想带出的, 是很有艺术味道的性爱,而且花了很大笔费用,去建筑当时的上海,听说还是真材实料!真的很想去看到底有多真, 还有想看看那场床戏有多震撼! 当然, 床戏有多震撼就看不到了,不过,真的真的很好看! 很多情感交集着,让我的心情一直徘徊在王佳芝身上好几天。

“3年前你可以的,为什么不?” 一句话,有多少心痛,失望,无奈… 我感到你对我的爱, 可为什么你,不但什么行动都没有,而且还把我推向另一个男人? 你不行动, 我不知道你爱不爱我, 甚至我怀疑你的爱。 既然你把我送到另一个男人的身边, 他对我也不错, 我不知不觉, 爱他比爱你更深、 爱到不能自拔; 享受他给我的性与宠爱。 为了这一切, 我宁愿放弃为国报仇、宁愿违背我们的约定、宁愿出卖你! 顶着这角色去演这没有回头的话剧, 融入角色、 不是演麦太太而是真正的麦太太; 当易先生的情妇、 去享受被爱的刺激, 这一切只当作我演戏的酬劳。

到最后, 爱没有对错, 爱是一种经验。 爱, 也很伟大, 令人愿意放弃很多 邝裕民为了爱国放弃了王佳芝, 甚至把她给牺牲了; 易先生爱麦太太, 眼尖的他在看见许多埋伏时,选择去相信他爱的这个女人, 放弃去追查她的身世; 王佳芝爱易先生, 放弃去报仇, 就算出卖了自己的身份也要挽救他的生命。


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